R.D.K holdings S.A

Monday, December 3, 2007

Fat Loss - 3 Major Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes

Fat loss does not have to be difficult or a struggle for
you. I know that sometimes this does not seem to be the
case. If you have ever tried and not succeeded to lose
enough fat to get to your goal weight you are certainly not
alone. This article will help to identify just a few of
the mistakes that you can easily correct, so be sure to
read the whole thing and pay attention!

There is so much information out there that it is time to
set the record straight about 5 of the most common mistakes
that so many people make when trying to achieve effective
and long lasting fat loss.

Mistake #1: Not keeping a food log

Permanent fat loss without keeping an accurate food log is
next to impossible. If you were trying to save money,
wouldn't you want to keep a record of where you were
spending the most?

The same concept applies to keeping a food log. It is
absolutely amazing how much we sometimes underestimate how
much food we eat. Fat loss occurs when we consume less
calories then we currently do. It really all comes down to

By having a record of what foods you are eating and what
time you are eating them you are laying a roadmap that you
can consistently tweak and adjust until you reach your goal!

If you are trying to lose fat and are not currently keeping
a food log, go buy one online or get a notebook you can use
as soon as possible. But beware, you may have to spend
extra money on new clothes very soon if you do.

Mistake #2: Focusing too much on slow cardio

Did you know that slow cardio can be one of the worst ways
to achieve long lasting fat loss? This may seem very
counterintuitive but bear with me.

Slow cardio can be effective for burning calories and can
work well in the short term. It is in fact very good for
your cardiovascular system and for preventive measures.
But for fat loss, the same does not hold true.

What happens is that when you do the same cardio workout
(30-60 minutes) at a slow pace, your body adapts very
quickly. If you go too slowly, you will not burn
significant calories or even break a sweat. You see, once
your body adapts, it becomes more efficient at doing the
same workout. Once this happens, you burn fewer calories
with each repeated workout.

If you went outside to run a mile right now, it might feel
pretty difficult. But if you ran a mile 5 times a week for
2 months, it would get a lot easier. What happens is the
same workout becomes less and less of a challenge the more
you do it. Therefore, you burn fewer calories because you
are not as challenged as you were at first. For fat loss,
this is one of the worst ruts to fall into.

Trying to lose fat with doing the same cardio workout over
and over is sure to lead to a plateau and almost all your
results will come to a screeching halt.

The solution is to use a different method of cardio called
interval training. It is faster, more effective, and burns
lots more fat calories than slow cardio.

Mistake #3: Avoiding strength training

Fat loss that is permanent largely depends on your body
composition and your diet. One of the best ways to do this
is to increase muscle mass!

Having more muscle is a great way to lose more fat simply
because lean muscle mass burns a lot of calories while you
are at rest. It has been said that every pound of
additional muscle burns approximately 60 more calories per

If you gained just 3 pounds of lean muscle mass, that would
come out to an extra 1260 calories per week! Combine this
with reducing your daily calories by 300 and you are losing
approximately 1 pound per week!

Many people think that strength training will not help
their fat loss efforts because of the myth that is makes
you "big and bulky." This belief is a huge mistake!
Unless you are eating and training specifically for huge
muscles you will have nothing to worry about. If you are
training for fat loss you are training to make your body
smaller. It simply cannot respond by getting bigger.


These are just a few of the biggest fat loss mistakes that
so many people make. That being said, fat loss does not
have to be a struggle. You just need to take in less
calories and burn more. Making the right food choices and
exercising the right way will help you lose fat faster and
easier than ever before!

Want to learn some more awesome tips? Hello, my name is
Tom Gifford and I am a personal trainer who has studied fat
loss extensively. Stop by my website at
http://www.TheGreatCardioMyth.com and check out the first
two chapters of my brand new book for free! You will find
some great tips you can start using right away. I look
forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Quickest Weight Loss System

Stop eating!

Yeah that's the quickest weight loss system on the planet.
Stop eating and your weight will just magically disappear
and before you know it you will be a starving, slender
shadow of your former self.


Nope, that is a HUGE lie of epic proportions. It's not
true. It's blatantly dishonest, and it's plain old wrong.

The quickest weight loss system has nothing to do with
stopping eating. The quickest weight loss system is
nothing but a myth. I'm sorry to say that losing weight
requires work and effort and that quick weight loss will
damage your physical body.

When you stop eating and dramatically reduce your calorie
intake, your body reacts in a way it has been programmed to
through evolution. As soon as your calorie intake is
significantly reduced, your body thinks a famine is coming.
This means it starts to store fat and put weight on to
ensure you survive the famine.

And storing fat and gaining weight is not what your weight
loss program is about, is it?

This is why a lot of people struggle when they start a
weight loss program. They cut down their food intake and
their body piles on the pounds to survive the famine.

Instead what you need to do is cut down your calorie intake
whilst increasing your exercise levels. This will ensure
your body burns the fat stored within your body and that
you can actually lose weight and keep it off.

It is when you diet and exercise that you really get
results from your weight loss program. If you only diet,
or if you only exercise, then you will find that your
weight loss is not as quick as you may want it to be.

When you begin your weight loss program, it is important
that you decide upon an exercise plan that suits you. Not
everyone enjoys the gym nor wants to go every day. What
forms of exercise do you enjoy and want to do?

Remember, exercise includes walking, climbing the stairs,
cleaning the house, going shopping. Anything that keeps
you active is classed as exercise. The more ways you can
include exercise into your daily routine, the more weight
loss you will experience. One of my favorites is taking
the stairs instead of the elevator when I am out. This
ensures I get some nice free exercise and burn some extra

If you want to experience quick weight loss, then you need
to combine a sensible and smart eating program with a
workable exercise plan. The two together will ensure you
have quick weight loss.

Get more information about low-glycemic weight loss systems

How To Shed a Pound a Week

In order to shed a pound a week you need to burn an
additional 3500 calories. It really is that that simple! No
fancy pills or powders or the latest fad diet are
necessary, just a progression of calories exerted without
an increase in calories consumed.  Sounds easy, right?  The
simple law of thermodynamics.

Try the following three steps to Shed A Pound A Week:

1. Record your normal weekly exercise - look at everything
from walking to participating in sports to exercising in
the gym. This is your starting point. Remember, you need to
burn an additional 3500 calories on top of your normal
weekly exercise.

2. Record your normal weekly food intake - this may be hard
to do honestly, but remember that you are only cheating
yourself by not recording everything. Calculate the total
number of calories that you eat in an average day.

In your quest for dropping inches you shouldn't exceed your
normal daily caloric intake - you should, rather, work at
slowly decreasing that number. Remember, we are going for a
3500 calorie deficit each week - this can be done by a
combination of increased calorie exertion (exercise) as
well as a decrease in calories consumed (eating less).

3. Chart the difference - now that you know your starting
point for both calorie exertion and calorie intake it is
time to turn the tables in your favor. Take every
opportunity to exert more calories by increasing your
physical activity, and to decrease your calorie consumption
by eating fewer calories and by making healthier selections.

Record your progress in a notebook and refer back to it
often. You will be surprised how encouraging it is to see
the positive changes that you are taking in your life
written down on paper.  Keeping a food journal will also
help you establish your eating behavior patterns.

If you are able to burn up 500 calories a day you will drop
a pound in a week!!

Here are some practical ways to lose calories:

If you normally: Drink a Mocha or other flavored coffee
drinks Try: Drinking green tea or black coffee (200
calories lost)

If you normally: Enjoy a candy bar for a snack Try:
Snacking on a granola bar or granola (180 calories lost)

If you normally: Sit during your entire lunch break Try:
Walking briskly for 30 minutes (150 calories lost)

If you normally: Watch T.V. for two hours Try: Doing
jumping jacks during the commercials (120 calories lost)

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA.  Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle.  For more information and questions you
can visit her website. 

Friday, September 7, 2007

Fat Loss, One a Day at a Time

Rome wasn't built in a day and your fat loss won't happen
that way either. Don't expect to start eating perfectly and
exercising religiously tomorrow. Instead set yourself up
for success by implementing at least one supportive habit
per week. Make an effort to adopt the premise of "progress,
not perfection." By developing awareness that improvement
is measured by your daily progress, you can save yourself a
lot of grief and frustration from the beginning. Focusing
on small, positive steps in everything you do is a vital
component to change. It starts you moving in the right
direction and the momentum of your amazing, transforming
results will soon follow. With time, commitment and a
willingness to continue to take those small steps, failure
is not an option.

How to do it: Be mindful of the fact that you didn't gain
it overnight so you're not going to lose it overnight. A
safe and effective fat loss program will yield 1 to 2
pounds of fat loss a week, not 10. As you begin your weight
loss journey, aim for 2-3 small improvements each week.
Build up to eating more supportively and moving a little
more than yesterday. These small changes will add up to big
improvements over time.

Beware of supplements and "quick fixes" that promise
accelerated fat loss. Instead, plan on losing fat weight
slowly. Sure we all want instant results, but it's
impossible to undo a years of inactivity and poor nutrition

Instead of only looking at the big picture, try to break it
down into smaller bites. Set one-month goals, three-month
goals, six-month goals and even yearly goals. Carry over
each previous goal to make sure that you aren't stopping
one to achieve another. Make sure goals are achievable and
realistic and what you truly want. A half-hearted desire
will produce half-hearted results.

Remember, life happens and we must face the challenges.
Sometimes that means not getting to exercise or eat
properly. The difference is we get it. We make it a point
to view each situation, each setback as an opportunity to
LEARN and ASK, "What could I do differently next time?"
Then it becomes a matter of getting back on track as soon
as possible. Leave the excuses and blame behind and forget
about beating ourselves up - we're only human. Strive to do
a little better today than you did the day before. The key
is to stay consistent, focused and take daily action. Make
goals meaningful. Our minds cannot differentiate between
achieving an enormous goal or a miniscule goal it only
perceives success or failure. If you set a goal that is
impossible to fail you'll only be setting yourself up for
tremendous victory.

Don't be too rigid. Telling your self that you HAVE to
workout for a set time to feel a sense of completion is ill
fated. If you set out to workout for 30 minutes and you
only get in 20, you'll more apt to be disappointed
regardless of how hard you worked. If you simply set a goal
to go to the gym at least 2-3 days a week and complete your
resistance training and cardio you'll perceive yourself as
a winner.

An additional goal idea: Have you ever wanted to
participate in a race or sport that you've never had the
endurance for? Then use that as a goal! When the end
justifies the means it's easier to make it through the
rough spots. It's a win-win situation if you are able to
achieve a want and a need simultaneously!

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness
coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of
the internationally popular e-book - The Busy Mom's Fat
Loss Bible. Go to
http://www.busymomsfatloss.com to get
your FREE copy and discover everything you need to know to
losing unwanted fat and how to keep it off for good.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Online Aerobics, Burning Fat Conveniently

Aerobics online is fast becoming a very popular tool for
exercising and getting in shape.  It offers the opportunity
to have professional guidance and programming combined with
the convenience of working out on your time, and in your
own home.  Technology now allows for trainers and members
to communicate to ensure the online aerobic fitness
programs are executed correctly, consistently, and members
can be held accountable for what they have done.  Online
Aerobic fitness can be accurately measured and monitored
with a heart rate monitor.  This tool provides specific
feedback and allows you to communicate with your trainer
about the program so you can reach your fitness goals.

In the past and still commonly done today, cardiovascular
training is assessed by guessing intensity based on how you
felt during a workout, and duration measured by time.  This
form of exercise while effective, still never truly allowed
us to see the results of our efforts.  Heart rate training,
as a part of online aerobic fitness involves using a heart
rate monitor to measure cardiac output, and the intensity
and duration of your workout with specific data reports
that can be charted to ensure progress.

Your heart rate is the measuring tool for cardiovascular
training, and a heart rate monitor accurately records this
data for every workout.  Now imagine that you can transfer
this data into a PC and email your results to a trainer.
Now, no matter where you are, you and your trainer can
communicate regarding your workouts, taking out all of the
guess work.  The result is measuring this specific data is
improved cardiovascular fitness, endurance, stamina, rate
of recovery and fat burning!

Online aerobic training plans can be specifically designed
for individual needs.  Those who want to lose weight can
accurately measure their fat burning capability and
optimize their results.  Endurance athletes training for
marathons and triathlons can improve race times and
recovery.  Athletes such as football players, soccer
players and basketball players can maximize their VO2
capabilities and recovery so they will be the most well
conditioned athletes on the field.

These online programs are designed by personal trainers and
can be accessed through your own online account.  Once your
level of fitness is revealed and goals are established,
online personal trainers can create cardiovascular
conditioning programs for you to print or download into an
IPOD.  All you need to do then is execute!

Take the guesswork out of aerobic conditioning!  Stop
measuring your workouts by time and distance exclusively
and start getting the results you want.  Whether you are a
sedentary beginner fitness enthusiast looking to lose
weight, or an athlete wanting to get an extra inning out of
your arm, you can find the right online program for you and
optimize your results!  Liveleantoday.com is the home for
online aerobic and cardiovascular conditioning programs.
There you can find an extensive array of online fitness
plans that will help you optimize your results with an
efficient and effective program.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of
http://shop.liveleantoday.com/ -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services.  For more information on
products go to
utrition-cutting-weight-42-paks-2630.cfm .

Beat Fat with Breakfast

Breakfast is easily the most overlooked solution when it
comes to effective fat burning tips. Studies consistently
show that people, who regularly eat breakfast, eat fewer
calories throughout the day, have better nutritional
habits, and weigh less than those who choose to skip

When it comes to your fat loss, your goal is to make your
body burn more calories. Your metabolism is like a burning
fire, how can you make the fire burn stronger without
putting something on it to burn? Our bodies are burning fat
and calories 24 hours a day, however, calories are burned
at the slowest rate while we are sleeping. Without
something to jump-start it in the morning, your metabolism
may remain in slow motion throughout the day and any extra
calories - no matter how healthy - will be stored as fat.

The act of eating and digesting supportive foods
frequently, increases your metabolism so you can burn more
fat and calories all day long.

How to do it: Eat a supportive meal within an hour of
waking. Feel like your always running late? No time to eat?
The secret - get up 10-20 minutes earlier and keep it
simple. Not only can you increase time spent with your
family at the kitchen table, but making time to start your
day off with a high protein, high fiber breakfast will
boost your metabolism, your energy and your mood. Because
breakfast provides you with the energy you need to get
through your day, the more energy you have, the more active
you'll be and the more active you are, the more calories
you burn.

If you are not hungry first thing in the morning, try
starting your day with a big glass of water or freshly
brewed green tea. Proceed with your morning routine and
plan to allow yourself about 10-15 minutes before you walk
out the door to eat your breakfast.

If you like to exercise first thing in the morning, eat 30
to 45 minutes before your workout.

Try one of the following options:

1. Eat a light snack - yogurt or a piece of fruit. Eat your
regular breakfast 30-45 minutes after your workout.

2. Eat half of your regular breakfast before the workout
and the other half about 30-45 minutes after your workout.

3. Drink a meal replacement shake - quick and easy to make
and for your body too digest.

Watch out for "Protein/Breakfast Bars". Many of these items
seem appealing for they are quick and easy; however the
majority of these bars are loaded with sugar and fat. Check
the nutrition facts.

Here are some breakfast fat loss favorites: Cereal is a
MUST. It's convenient, easy to prepare, easy to eat and
full of nutrients - No."Whole Grain Lucky Charm" does not
fall into this category. Be sure to choose your cereals
based on the information on the food label.

The top choices should have:

. 5 grams of Fiber or more
. 8 grams of Sugar or LESS
. Sugar not listed among the first 3 ingredients.

For all other breakfast options, be sure to include a
protein, complex carbohydrate, and fresh or frozen fruit.
These are some of my favorites:

. Oatmeal with natural peanut butter, cinnamon and a side
of fresh berries.
. Kashi Go Lean Crunch with skim milk and a banana.
. Scrambled egg whites topped with salsa and shredded
cheese wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla.
. Meal Replacement Shake with a piece of fruit.

So if you're interested in fat loss, make sure you don't
forget - breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness
coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of
the internationally popular e-book - The Busy Mom's Fat
Loss Bible. Go to
http://www.busymomsfatloss.com to get
your FREE copy and discover everything you need to know to
losing unwanted fat and how to keep it off for good.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Minefield That Is Online Weight Loss

Weight Loss Online is a minefield for anyone serious about
weight loss. There are snake oil salesmen, peddlers of
poor quality products, and of course those people out to
make a quick buck from a desperate dieter.

What many of these online weight loss "experts" rely on is
the fact that 95% of dieters will buy a diet program, open
the front cover, see it's BIG and involves work and then
give up. Really, how many diet books, exercise video's and
pieces of exercise equipment do you have around your house
... and how many of those have you actually used (and used

There are a lot of online weight loss programs all
promising instant weight loss, rapid weight loss and lots
of other wild claims.

I can highly recommend choosing an online weight loss
program because there are some great ones out there. When
you are choosing your weight loss program, bear in mind a
few things.

What is the guarantee of the program you are looking at?
Do they offer you a 5, 7, 14, 30 day guarantee or longer?
The longer the guarantee the more chance you have to test
the program thoroughly to make sure it works. However,
check the fine print of the guarantee. Some of these
programs have a lot of weasel clauses in them designed to
make it difficult for you to return the product and get
your money back. Look for a guarantee that is completely
unconditional and you know you are safe.

If the program is purchased through Clickbank or Paypal
then you know you are safe because Clickbank has an 8 week
money back guarantee which it forces all merchants to
comply with. In fact, you can contact Clickbank direct for
your refund without involving the merchant. Paypal is also
very protective of its customers, and whilst it doesn't
force a guarantee on its merchants, it will investigate
claims about products not being as described.

EBay is another source of diet and weight loss programs.
However, this is an even bigger minefield. Whilst eBay is
an excellent marketplace, it is unfortunately frequented by
scammers and conmen selling pirated and illegal products,
particularly if you are buying supplements or physical
programs. Always check out a sellers feedback and make
sure there is a lot of positives there - and check what
they are for! A lot of sellers will buy 1c or $1 auctions
to get lots of positive feedback in order to lool better as
a seller. Make sure the positive feedback is for the
product you are buying.

Check how long they have been on eBay too. If they are a
new seller then there is more of a chance of them not being
100% honest. However, if they have been there for years
and have lots of positive feedback then you know they are
much more likely to be honest. Ebay is a fantastic
marketplace, but just like a real marketplace, you, as the
buyer, need to have your wits about you.

There are some excellent online weight loss programs that
come highly recommended, so be diligent in your selection
of one and you can find yourself getting rid of that weight
and being your ideal weight.

Find information of good and quality weight loss programs
like the Macro-Optimazers and the 5 day's RESET program at

The Power Of A Weight Loss Diary

The use of a food diary cannot be underestimated. It will
help you to become more conscious of your eating habits and
highlight any problem areas you have. You can list what you
have eaten and your motivations for it. You should also
outline any exercise you have taken, or not taken, and
again describe how you were feeling prior to, during and
after the activity. You can also use your diary to set out
a plan for the coming week. You just tell yourself that if
it's in the diary then it has to be done. In this way you
can break up, what may seem like, momentous goals into
small achievable tasks.

This type of diary builds the foundations on which you can
plan any necessary changes. These changes then act as a
guide for setting weight-loss, eating and exercise goals. A
food diary is a great way of tracking your progress. It
gives you the opportunity to look back over the course of
days, weeks and months to see how you have altered your
approach and reached your goals. This is extremely
motivating and reassuring. As you see how well you have
done you are spurred on to even greater action. Likewise,
when you see the times that you slipped-up and read your
comments about how you were feeling at the time you will
find yourself empowered to do something about because you
have full control.

A food diary gives you the opportunity to make a conscious
choice about your eating habits instead of going on
automatic around food. Writing down what you can eat and
can't eat and reviewing your goals for the day sets out a
clear plan and allows you to think twice before you act. A
daily and weekly diary, with goals and strategies, is an
approach used in business and by almost all high-achievers.
They use it because it works.

To begin with you will just right down everything you eat
and drink during the day. You will add your leisure
activities like walking, jogging or just watching
television. After you have performed the task, or even
during it, jot down the way you were feeling and why you
chose to do that activity (even if it's eating). This will
allow you to analyse your motivations.

Once you have a week's full of diary entries look back over
it. You will find definite patterns emerging. Look closely
at those patterns and use them to structure an eating and
exercise plan for the upcoming week. Write an entry each
day of what you will eat and what activity you will perform
to help shed those excess pounds. For example, if you find
that you are eating at certain times during the day because
you are bored then this is an excellent time to pen into
your diary an exercise activity or anything else that will
relieve the boredom! Diligence and persistence is required
to keep and follow your food diary but once you do the
rewards are tremendous. Many people do not realize just how
much they snack or eat due to reasons that have nothing to
do with hunger. Your diary will help you see and deal with
such times. It will also help you to formulate realistic
goals because you have to put the activities and food you
will eat down on paper. At the start you may overload your
diary with activities and realize you need to cut down or
you may find you have extra time on your hands that is
leading to boredom and eating.

Don't forget to mention how you are feeling. Our emotions
truly do rule our behaviour. The more honest you are with
yourself the more you will get out of this process. If you
find that you are eating from stress or emotional issues
then put it into your diary, as one of your activities,
that you need to find techniques and approaches to deal
with these emotions. For example you could check out
hypnosis and other mind programming techniques as they have
a very high success rate at dealing with such emotional

Keeping a diary can take some getting used to in the
beginning, and to many it may sound like a waste of time,
but it is a proven method for helping reach and maintain a
healthy weight and has been shown to help people reach
goals of all kinds.

Review of the Weight Loss system that doesn't involve
dieting and was successfully tested on British TV at
Review of the best Weight Loss Hypnosis system we tested at
ml We find out what works so you don't have to!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

How To Lose Weight Without Hurting Yourself

Does panting on the treadmill give you nightmares? For
many, the prospect of losing weight can be a scary thing.
However, it's important to first understand that there are
many ways to lose weight, without having to exhaust oneself

Myths of weight loss:

There are some popular misconceptions associated with
weight loss. Before you actually start an exercise regimen,
it's important to remove all pre-conceived notions. We have
listed out some of the most popular ones:

Myth 1: Ab exercises flatten the stomach.

Fact: Ab exercises only tone and firm the lower layers of
stomach muscle. If you happen to have layers of fat above,
it won't make any difference. Therefore do aerobic
exercises to shed the fat.

Myth 2: Drinking water before exercise is harmful.

Fact: Water is essential to replenish fluids lost during
strenuous exercise. Therefore, drink water in equal amounts.

Myth 3: Eliminating fats helps shed weight faster.

Fact: Fats in small amounts can help you feel fuller during
the day. This avoids binging.

Myth 4: High protein, low carb diets burn fat faster.

Fact: Ingesting too much protein can result in high fat and
cholesterol levels in the body. Too many carbohydrates in
the diet can result in the formation of Ketones which lead
to kidney stones. The trick lies in a balanced diet.

Myth 5: One can lose weight no matter what one eats.

Fact: Not watching what's eaten can lead to alarming weight

Myth 6: Skipping meals burns fat quickly.

Fact: When you skip meals, your body goes into a
conservation mode where its metabolic rate starts dipping,
resulting in weight gains.

Myth 7: Weight training doesn't shed weight.

Fact: Weight training can actually be a great way to lose
weight in a short time span.

Myth 8: Consuming nuts and dairy products can be fattening.

Fact: If taken in small doses, nuts can actually be good
for health.

Myth 9: Counting calories isn't really necessary.

Fact: It is absolutely necessary to keep track of
everything you eat "" right from sugar to tea or even

Myth 10: Salads are a great health snack.

Fact: Yes salads are great but not with the fatty dressing.

Cardio to help shed fat It has been clinically proven that
cardio exercise is your one and only ticket to effective
and quick fat loss. Cardio exercises involve any form of
exercise that raises heart rate to higher levels.
Especially when it comes to fat loss goals, the higher the
intensity, the greater the chances of your slimming down

Why high intensity cardio is so great There are many
reasons why cardio helps shed weight fast:

- High intensity cardio rapidly raises your metabolic rate
- This increased metabolic rate remains at the same rate
even after exercise - Increases lean muscle mass which
contributes to increased resting metabolic levels

Other benefits include:
- Greater lung strength  
- Strengthens your heart
- Improves blood circulation.

Timing and its impact The best time of the day for any
cardio exercise is early in the morning, before you've had
any breakfast. This is because in the morning hours, muscle
and liver glycogen levels are really low. This means that
with lower blood sugar levels, your chances at burning fat
at this time is much more than later in the day.

Top 5 cardio exercises to shed fat If you think a 30 minute
morning walk at moderate pace will help, then you're wrong.
While it certainly will help you lose more calories over a
period of time, if you're looking for fat loss - you need
something extra!

1.Jump rope: On an average if you jump rope for 15 minutes
you burn 174 calories!

2.Swimming: The forward crawl stroke seems to burn fat the
best and it's also non-impact.

3.Sprinting: It will burn tons of calories, beats fat like
none other and reduces stress and tension in the body.

4.Step aerobics: Burns a whopping 400 calories in a 30
minute time span.

5.Cycling: It exhausts carbohydrate reserves in the body
resulting in enhanced metabolic rates.

Discover Zrii, the next generation nutrition:
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The Diet Industry Doesn't Care If You Lose Weight!

In the Western cultures, we are bombarded by advert after
advert promoting this healthy eating food, or this gym, or
that celebrity's new fitness video / diet program / recipe
book / miracle weight loss program.  The images are
everywhere, together with a press that extols the virtues
of being so thin you look ill.

"Weight Loss Help" is at hand, bleats the diet industry,
"Just buy our product" ... but does the diet industry have
your best interests at heart?

The simple answer is a highly resounding NO, they do not.

They have only one interest, and that is money.  Money to
make profits, to pay their shareholders.  The diet industry
has minimal interest in you losing weight and ABSOLUTELY NO
INTEREST in you keeping the weight off.  Just think about
it.  If people actually lost weight using their products
and kept it off, what would happen to their profits and
business?  It would be decimated!

The diet industry needs dieters to keep buying and
consuming their products so they can make fat profits to
pay their shareholders with.

The real problem with the diet industry is that in order to
make maximum profits they need to cut their costs down to a
bare minimum.  And they do this by padding out food with
fillers and cheap components.

One of the first things to go in diet products is sugar.
Refined sugars are bad for us, which is perfectly true,
they are.  However, instead of putting in a decent, healthy
alternative (such as Stevia) the diet industries put in
artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame.

Now, you may say, "But it's not sugar so it's healthier" or
"It's FDA approved" or any other pre-programmed component.
Let me tell you what aspartame is - it's a neuro-toxin,
plain and simple.  To make this even easier to understand -
it kills your brain!  It's dangerous!  Aspartame is already
banned in numerous countries with many more considering a
ban, yet it still appears in diet foods particularly in the
USA and UK.

Even worse, aspartame will actually sabotage your diet as
it seems to make people crave carbohydrates.  If you are
dieting and are after weight loss help then avoid aspartame.

One of the big diet industry fillers is wheat.  The diet
industry love padding out food with wheat protein because
it is cheap!  And cheap means more profit!  An awful lot of
people have a wheat intolerance to some degree, and this
tends to cause bloating and the feeling of being fat, which
doesn't help your diet and doesn't help you feel any

So all in all, the diet industry doesn't have your best
interests at heart.  They want to you stay miserable and
fat because then you contribute more to their profits!

What can you do to get weight loss help?  Learn about
eating a healthy, balanced diet and low-glycemic products.
Search, search, and search, about all the market options in
the market. Remember, after all, its your health.

Find more information about healthy low-glycemic products

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Top Two Mistakes Women Make When Dieting

I was talking to a lady the other day who was 5'3'' and 135
pounds. She came into the office because at 44 years of
age, she was having trouble getting her weight down. She
told me that she was doing everything right to lose weight
but nothing was happening.

I asked her what she had been doing and realized that even
though sometimes people think they know what they are doing
when it comes to exercise and weight loss; often they don't
have a clue.

She told me that based on the fact that she wanted to lose
2lbs a week that she needed to burn off 1000 calories extra
a week to meet her goals. She had cut her calories to below
1000 a day and was lifting light weights so she didn't bulk
up. It was then I knew where her problem was.  To lose two
pounds a week you actually need to create a deficit of 7000
calories over the period of a week through both diet and
exercise. One pound of fat contains 3500 calories. To lose
two pounds in a week, 7000 calories is the amount of
calories you need to burn off. This large number is why
people have such a hard time trying to drop weight with
diet alone. It's very hard to cut that many calories out of
your diet unless you are eating way too much to start with.
What you do to make it easier is exercise part of it off
and eat only what you need to maintain your healthy muscle.

This combination approach not only makes the dieting aspect
easier to handle but the exercise also remodels your entire
physique for a total body transformation.

The funny thing is, most people I coach refuse to eat
ENOUGH of the right foods and this causes the metabolism to
shut down. This means a rapid stop to any fat burning and
weight loss. Sometimes when people go too low with the
calories and the body rebels. Its says, "Your not feeding
me, so I'm not letting go of the only calorie storage I
have, my fat".

The other consideration and benefit of resistance training
when losing weight is an increased metabolism created by
maintaining a toned muscular body. The most common hurdle
for females trying to lose weight and hitting the gym is
that they lift too light out of fear of putting on too much
muscle. Please put that fear aside.

Muscle growth is created through anabolic hormone systems
in the body, specifically testosterone. As a female, you
have less of this than a man and putting on enough muscle
to make you look un-feminine, is a rare case. The women you
see in the magazines are usually using drugs. So please
don't look at them as the norm of what happens when a women
lifts heavy weights.

I hope this helps a little and trust me when I say that if
you are looking to change your body, make sure that you're
efforts are based on solid facts and information from a
professional. It really is a shame to spend all that time
and effort on a strategy for weight loss based on myths and

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The Magic Potion For Fat Loss

If there were ever a magic potion for fat loss - it would
be water. Our bodies are comprised of about 70% water. We
lose about a liter (34 ounces) of water per day under
normal circumstances and when the temperature in our body
rises, as during exercise, we lose higher amounts of water
through sweat. It only makes sense that we need to
continually replenish this supply for water is necessary
for nearly every function in our body. Water regulates our
temperature, supports and protects our organs, helps with
digestion, transports nutrients to our muscles and helps
move along waste by products.

Water is, in essence, the key to fat metabolism. Here's
why: one of you liver's primary functions is to metabolize
stored fat to be burned for energy. If you are dehydrated,
the kidneys cannot function properly and the liver begins
to take over - as a result of working overtime, the liver
metabolizes LESS fat so MORE fat remains in your body.

Sometimes we mistake mild states of dehydration for hunger.
If we don't get enough fluids, our bodies give us
indications that are similar to hunger pains. When this
occurs, we start eating because we misunderstood what are
bodies were telling us. Unnecessary calorie consumption can
lead to excessive fat!

Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking lots of
water throughout the day helps to keep you feeling full. If
your stomach feels full - you are less likely to overeat!

A constant supply of water is vital before, during and
after a workout. Dehydration leads to a lack of energy,
muscle fatigue and cramping. Even small amounts of water
loss can hinder exercise performance.

Remember that alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, making
you lose even more water, so be sure to compensate for the
additional loss.

How to do it: You can replace the water lost during a
typical day by drinking a minimum of 6-8 8 oz. glasses of
water a day. Begin by drinking your first big glass of
water right when you wake up. Drink a full glass of water
with each meal. Keep water with you at all times.

To prevent dehydration, make sure you're drinking adequate
amounts of water before, during and after a workout. As a
rule of thumb, drink 8-12 ounces of water at least an hour
before beginning to exercise, 8 oz during exercise and 8 oz
when finished.  If you are hungry about an hour after
eating, try drinking a glass or two of water- you maybe
misreading thirst for hunger. If you are still hungry after
15-20 minutes then proceed with a supportive snack to tide
you over until your next meal.

Here's a 'success strategy' to get you started: Make
drinking water more fun by adding a slice of lemon or lime.
Drink water out of a frosted mug or colorful glass.
Grab-n-go flavor packets add variety to water between
meals. Keep a bottle of water in the car at all times. At
work, pack an allotted number of bottled water and set a
goal to finish the pack by the end of the day.

For those who tend to prefer carbonated beverages to plain
water try sparkling water. Not only is it crisp and
refreshing, it satisfies the need for carbonation. Just
make sure you choose a sparkling water that does not
contain sugar or fruit juice to avoid additional calories.

So if your goal is fat loss, combine a total body strength
training program, supportive nutrition and some interval
training with your magic fat loss potion and you're
destined for success!

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness
coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of
the internationally popular e-book - The Busy Mom's Fat
Loss Bible. Go to
http://www.busymomsfatloss.com to get
your FREE copy and discover everything you need to know to
losing unwanted fat and how to keep it off for good.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hypnosis for Weight Loss : My Experience

The subconscious mind is a subject of much debate. Some
say that it wields more power over our everyday actions
than we know, while others discount it as more or less an
additional complexity of the vast human mind to be
pondered, but nothing so powerful as to control our every
choice. This is where self for weight loss hypnosis enters
the picture.

First, let's start off on a little history lesson on
hypnosis. Hypnosis as we know it today actually has its
roots (arguably) in several different cultures, at around
the same time, hundreds of years ago. It's roots go back
to early Hindu cultures as well as early European
civilizations as a means of healing one's body and treating

Here's where it gets interesting. It is believed that
hypnosis may have crept into modern medicine and common
practice inadvertently through what may have been the first
failed "placebo" experiment on whether magnet therapy
worked or not, performed hundreds of years ago at the
request of the medical community.

Magnet therapy was put into practice and was believed to
have helped heal many people's ailments until it was put to
the test and found that the only effect it had on anyone
was what was called a "placebo" effect.

A placebo effect is basically an effect that is
physiologically real (you can feel it physically, and your
body obeys the suggestion of the mind), but is in fact
simply brought on, or conjured up, by the human mind. It
is essentially the power of suggestion at work, and that is
exactly what hypnosis is - the utilization of the power of
subconscious suggestion.

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed "trance" state where
suggestions made verbally by the hypnotizer are grabbed by
the subconscious mind of the person being hypnotized, and
the power of suggestion is such that the subject's body and
mind obey the "orders" of the hypnotizer, without even
fully and consciously realizing why or how.

I experienced the power that hypnotism can have when I
purchased some weight loss CD's and attempted self hypnosis
as a means to help control my ballooning appetite - and
waistline, and was shocked at how it actually worked and
gave me an unshakable sense of self control and "calm" that
I'd never felt before.

My previous attempts at losing extra weight that I had
gained were not pleasant experiences. I am not
"overweight" by most standards, but I definitely fluctuate
in the ten pound bracket up and down all of the time
because I really do love food. Just experiencing the
different tastes and textures of food is such an experience
to me that I sometimes don't realize that what I'm putting
in my mouth is polluting my body and adding unnecessary
extra weight.

Not only are the foods I choose wrong many times, but I
also can tend to eat too much at one sitting, feeling
bloated and moody afterwards. So, I wanted to take control
of my eating habits again, and had always wanted to try
self hypnosis to see if it could help me gain that quiet
inner strength and that little voice guiding me to make the
right decisions, and quelling my appetite.

And it did. The first time I listened to the it I was, as
instructed in a deeply relaxed state which was accomplished
by following the hypnotist's instructions to take several
deep breaths. The soothing voice was accompanied by what
sounded like trance music, and I became so relaxed I
actually dozed off (which she said was ok, in fact,

I did it right before bed, and I woke up the next morning
pretty much forgetting that I had listened to it. I went
through my day without the usual cravings for sugar and
high fat, high salt foods that usually litter my day at
work due to stress or boredom with mundane tasks (can't we
all identify with that).

I tend to have somewhat of an oral fixation, especially
when at work, meaning that I like to always be chewing or
sipping on something. But I noticed this overwhelming urge
did not hit me, and instead I just sipped on my water and
some hot tea, and only ate when I was truly hungry.
Strangely enough, I didn't even have my usual mid-afternoon
craving for chocolate.

Often times I'd be hitting up the candy machine for Peanut
M&M's around that time, and the afternoon came and went
without the urge to eat chocolate. I thought this was a
major accomplishment for me, but I also wondered if it
wasn't some of that "placebo effect" entering in.

Since I knew that I had listened to the hypnosis CD, was I
actually "talking myself into" believing the hypnosis was
cutting my appetite and shaping my food decisions as well
as my intentions to work out?

Well, isn't that what hypnosis is - that is, a placebo
effect in itself? I suppose it doesn't really matter,
because the end result is that I saw a dramatic change in
my eating habits, all seemingly without the pain of a
constant internal struggle to not eat.

As far as the root cause of it, I really could care less.
It accomplished the task of giving me a renewed sense of
self control and eating to live, not living to eat, and
that is all that matters in the end!

Danna Schneider is the cofounder of
http://www.dailydietblog.com/hypnotherapy-weight-loss/ ,
where there's more about the self hypnosis CD's mentioned
in this article, and more about people's real experiences
with hypnotherapy for losing weight. She also founded a
new blog dedicated to fitness and exercise equipment
reviews and discussions called
http://www.fitnessnewsmagazine.com , a blog about physical
fitness and health.

7 Fat Loss Strategies For Busy Moms

Would you like to "jump start" your metabolism and lose
your 'mommy belly' once and for all?  If so, the following
seven tips are exactly what you need to improve your
workouts and ignite your metabolism. Try some or all of
these tips, but beware, the result may be a number of
admiring second glances and the need to pull your 'skinny
jeans' out of the closet.

1. The majority of your workouts should be composed of
free-weight, bodyweight or cable exercises.

Compared to machines, free-weight, bodyweight and cable
movements often require more skill, create muscular
balance, and have a greater metabolic cost. For example, it
is more difficult to balance the weights, and to coordinate
muscles when performing free-weight exercises. Although
this may sound like a disadvantage, it is actually a
benefit. By balancing and stabilizing free-weights or
cables you are working more muscles through a greater range
of motion resulting in more muscles developed and more
calories burned.

2. Use exercises that work more than one muscle at a time.

When focusing on fat loss, you can't worry about "shaping"
exercises, instead you should use exercises that'll get you
the biggest bang for your buck and work as many muscles as
possible. Isolation exercises can be used at the end of a
workout to work on a specific target area, but they just
serve to supplement your core movements.

Virtually every savvy fitness professional is privy to the
fact that compound exercises recruit the most muscle groups
for any given body part.

If you seek lean, toned muscles and the increase in
metabolism that comes with them, you must choose exercises
that work as many different muscles as possible. One of the
main reasons why squats are superior to leg extensions for
improving your body is that they also work your butt,
hamstrings and inner thighs in addition to toning your
quadriceps while leg extensions focus on just the front of
your thigh and don't really offer any other benefit. That
same rationale hold true for arm exercises too.  That's why
dumbell presses and dips will are more valuable for your
arms than triceps kickbacks and pushdowns.

A good rule of thumb is to use movements that will allow
you to use the most weight. These will have a systemic
effect on your body that'll help maintain or increase your
lean muscle, and in turn ignite your metabolism.

3. Pair exercises.

Pair your exercises together so that you alternate between
upper-body exercises and lower-body exercises or between
exercises that target opposing muscle groups (e.g. chest
and back).

This type of approach will keep your workouts short and
efficient by eliminating much of the downtime that comes
between sets of a single exercise since you are working on
one movement while resting from another.  This approach can
also yield huge benefits in your mission to burn fat. Since
you'll constantly be moving and keeping your heart rate
elevated, you'll be burning far more calories than you
would during a typical workout.

4. Keep your reps between 8 and 12.

Through research, it has been determined that the best
range for building lean muscle is roughly between 8-12
reps. Since the main focus of your resistance training
efforts is to gain lean body mass and stimulate your
metabolism, this rep range fills the bill perfectly. "High
reps for tone and fat loss" is one of the biggest (and most
unproductive) training myths! Somehow the aerobics, yoga
and Pilates' community have convinced us that when we
perform bodyweight exercises or light resistance training
for high reps, our muscles magically take on a beautiful
shape without growing or bulging. On the other hand, if you
challenge yourself with moderately heavy weights, your body
will take on a bulky, unflattering appearance. If you
believe this, you probably still believe in the Tooth Fairy!

5. Rest only 30 to 60 seconds between sets.

When you keep the rest periods under one minute, it's
easier to stay focused on the task at hand and keeps your
heart rate elevated. In addition, it forces your muscles to
recover more quickly between sets, along with keeping your
nervous system revved up.

If your first movement in an upper/lower body pair is
squats, you might want to rest 60 seconds before attempting
your second movement. However, if your first exercise is a
fairly "easy" exercise, like lat pull downs, you might only
wish to wait 30 seconds before doing the second part of the

6. Perform total body workouts.

You must drop the notion that muscle groups work
independently of one another. Muscles work together and
should be trained that way.  Besides, not only does this
approach mean less time in the gym, but by working the
whole body three times per week, you'll be maximizing the
fat burning effect of your program.

7. Cardio is not the cure-all for fat loss.

Cardiovascular exercise aids in the creation of a caloric
deficit, but the caloric expenditure during cardio is
temporary. Strength training addresses the core of the
problem by permanently increasing the rate at which the
body burns calories by adding muscle. The best programs
will include both strength training and cardiovascular
training, but the core or the programs effectiveness is
resistance training.

Take these strategies and incorporate them into your
workout routine.  Not only will you save a lot of time, but
you'll also soon see a leaner and more toned body.  Not to
mention a few more turned heads and the re-emergence of
your skinny jeans.

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness
coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of
the internationally popular e-book - The Busy Mom's Fat
Loss Bible. Go to
http://www.busymomsfatloss.com to get
your FREE copy and discover everything you need to know to
losing unwanted fat and how to keep it off for good.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Future of Fat Loss

Look good naked without stepping a foot in the gym.  That's
the new American dream right?  We are a nation obsessed
with the eternal quest to look great with minimal to no
effort.  Whether you are just too busy to make it to the
gym everyday, or simply need that little extra help with
your own diet and workout routine, there is good news on
the horizon for all of us, new drugs!  These upcoming
pharmaceutical releases are gearing up to take the fat loss
market by storm over the next couple of years so read up
and get a head start on your beach body competition.

Pramlintide - Already available in the U.S. as a diabetes
treatment, Pramlintide is being studied by Amylin
Pharmaceuticals for its ability to produce a feeling of
fullness when eating and reduce weight. A synthetic form of
a satiety hormone, research has shown that when it's
injected into people's bodies before a meal they eat less,
even when given foods they crave. Amylin is also looking at
how the drug works in combination with other hormones.

CP404 - CP404 is a calcium channel blocker that works as a
nasal spray to block olfactory activity, or our sense of
smell, and reduce food intake. Compellis Pharmaceuticals is
developing the drug, which has only been tested on mice so
far, says Compellis CEO Chris Adams. The company plans to
begin human testing this year.

Orlistat (Xenical and alli) - A lipase inhibitor, Orlistat
promotes weight loss by preventing the digestion and
absorption of some fat from food. Unabsorbed fat is then
excreted via the stool. It's available by prescription as
Xenical and, since June, as alli, the only FDA-approved
over-the-counter weight loss product. Orlistat side effects
may include gas with oily spotting and an urgent need to
have a bowel movement

CLA - A new meta-analysis by University of Wisconsin at
Madison researchers has shown that supplements containing
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), on the market for years,
may help people shed fat. It's believed that CLA, a fatty
acid found in foods of animal origin such as beef, modifies
enzymes responsible for storing and burning fat.
Supplements are a good vehicle for CLA because it would be
difficult for people to get enough of the fatty acid
without loading up on saturated fat.

PP - Researchers at the Imperial College, London, are
looking at how gut hormones--pancreatic polypeptide (PP) in
particular--affect appetite control. The hormones are
released when a person eats, acting as neurotransmitters
that tell the brain to stop eating.  Though it's being
developed in the form of an injection, it's possible in the
future that it could be produced as a patch or gum.
Researchers hope to start phase one trials early next year
and get the drug on the market in three to five years.

Y2R blocker - Georgetown University Medical Center
researchers have been able to use nontoxic chemical
injections to add and remove fat from lab mice. To add fat,
researchers injected the neurotransmitter NPY into the
mice. It's believed that NPY is activated during stress,
causing apple-shaped obesity and metabolic syndrome. But
administration of the receptor Y2R into the mice's
abdominal fat prevented both results, melting the fat.
Researchers hope that blocking Y2R might work the same way
in humans.

Rimonabant (Acomplia) - Approved for use in the European
Union as an obesity treatment, rimonabant selectively
blocks the CB1 receptors of the endocannabinoid system.
This system of receptors in the brain and body helps
regulate food intake and how the body uses and stores fats
and sugars. In clinical trials, rimonabant has been shown
to reduce body weight, with side effects such as nausea and
anxiety. Sanofi-aventis withdrew its FDA new drug
application for rimonabant last month but is working toward

Suppressing Rip140 - Research has shown that suppression of
receptor-interacting protein 140 (Rip140), a nuclear
hormone co-repressor that regulates fat accumulation, can
accelerate fat burning in animals and fat cells. Initially
the subject of experiments at Imperial College in London,
RXi Pharmaceuticals is developing the approach as a
potential obesity or type-2 diabetes treatment.

Cetilistat - Under development by Alizyme, Cetilistat is a
gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor that blocks fat digestion
and absorption, causing weight loss. Clinical trials have
shown that the drug has fewer side effects than Xenical,
according to Alizyme. Cetilistat is currently being
prepared for phase-three clinical development.

Meridia - An oral prescription medication, Meridia works by
affecting the appetite control center in the brain. Most
people who lose weight on the drug, in combination with
diet and exercise, do so in the first six months of
treatment, according to its maker, Abbott Laboratories.
Common side effects include headache, dry mouth,
constipation and insomnia.

So, have you scoped out the ones that sound like the next
big wonder drug?  Well don't get too excited, these need a
little more time before they are readily available to the
public but keep your eyes peeled for them over the next few
years.  And remember that being healthy is more than just a
weight game.  Be active, be fit, be healthy, and you will
look good naked.  The ultimate goal right?

This article is from the online marketing director of Fit
Fuel, Amber Thompson.  Fit Fuel is a leading natural and
organic foods retailer on the web (
http://www.FitFuel.com )

Friday, August 17, 2007

How to Lose Weight Like the Competitors in Fat March and Biggest Loser

For many seeing shows like Fat March of the Biggest Loser
can be an inspiration to start their own weight loss
program. The problem lies in once you are excited to start
now what. It can be hard for the average watcher to
understand what is important and what achieves results from
watching the show. It is easy to say eat well and exercise
on a regular basis though what does that really mean.
Losing weight doesn't have to be overwhelming if you
understand the basic principles from the shows and apply
them to your lifestyle.

The first biggest change for most people's diets which is
vital is eating 5 small meals. The personal trainers
talked about in Fat March about how until people create the
habit of eating throughout the day nothing else matters.
Eating small meals trains your body to burn fat and shuts
off your body's ability to store fat.

In Fat March we got an up close and personal experience of
what happens when you don't eat five small meals. One of
the fat marchers took all his food and ate it all at once.
This spiked his blood sugar which then your body stores the
food as fat. Once your body stores the food as fat you get
low blood sugar which is the crashing that most people feel
around 3 pm from too much food at lunch. During Fat March
because the competitor was doing a ton of walking he passed
out from too low blood sugar and had to go to the hospital.
Most people don't understand how negative not eating 5
small meals is because they don't have as serious instant
consequences because they are sitting at their desk working
when their blood sugar drops.

Until you start eating 5 small meals your body will be in a
constant roller coaster of eating too much and storing fat
into your fat cells. The good thing is that if today you
eat 5 small meals you body will today start to burn more
energy and go in the right dirction.

So what do I want in my 5 small meals?

The Biggest Loser show does a good job of showing cooking
for good healthy meals. The goal of each meal is to get
complex carbs for energy, lean protein to rebuild muscle
tissue, and fruits or vegetables for nutritional value.
The size is relative to your metabolism, as you get a
faster metabolism your portion will increase not decrease
which is why starving to lose weight doesn't work. For
most Americans take your lunch cut it in half and eat the
other half 3 hours later.

Yes you do need to eat carbs. Carbohydrates are your major
source of energy from food. When you don't eat carbs even
if you eat protein your body will go into a starvation
response and store fat and burn muscle for energy. Complex
carbs are stored in the muscles cells and are rice, pasta,
grains, and potatoes.

One reason many fad diets cut carbs is because carbs absorb
water. If you cut carbs out of your diet you will lose
weight immediately. You may think that is good though your
weight loss is only water. Most fad diets do this knowing
that people want to see instant results on the scale and
cutting carbs can 5-15 pounds of water out with in a week.
Because of poor diet habits and too much consumption of
caffeine drinks, it is estimated that 75% of Americans are
in a constant state of dehydration. Which means for the
average American who adds carbs back to their diet they may
gain 5 pounds of just water back right away. This healthy
and their bodies were unhealthy everyday from a lack of
later. If you cut carbs it doesn't matter how much water
you drink, you don't have the carbs to absorb it. Low carb
diets that drink a lot of water go to the bathroom more

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of http://www.liveleantoday.com -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services. For more information go to
http://authority-seo.blogspot.com/ .

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

5 Diet Myths

Excess weight is a common topic of discussion at coffee
tables, amongst friends, family members, at work... Let's
have a look at the most common weight loss myths people
believe in:

Myth 1: Food eaten in the evening contributes more to
weight gain.
Wrong: It is the amount of calories accumulated throughout
the day, but the time of the day you consume those calories
is of minor significance. If you were on low calories
during the day you can afford a dinner without worries.

Myth 2: To skip breakfast or lunch is good for staying slim
or reducing weight.
Wrong: It is a bad idea to skip breakfast as your cravings
for food will increase so much till lunch time that you
will probably forget all you have pledged and eat a lot
more than you should. The same applies to skipping lunch.
If you still manage to stay away from all snacks and sweets
during the afternoon but your hunger will be out of control
latest at dinner time. Thus you will add more calories than
you would with regular meals.

Myth 3: Five meals instead of three are a better way to
lose weight.
Wrong: It makes no difference how many meals you have a
day. Important is that you limit the total amount of
calories. If you have more meals it might be easier for you
to control hunger. But on the other hand, if you are having
a hard time to resist eating more food than you should, you
might be better off with three meals only. It is giving you
more control while providing less temptation.

Myth 4: The metabolism of people over 40 is slowing down,
thus putting on weight is unavoidable.
Wrong: True is that muscle mass gradually decreases with
age if people do not exercise. As a result, increasing fat
deposition develops a risk factor for your health. Regular
exercise can help you to prevent that. A higher age is
therefore no excuse for putting on weight. It only takes
more effort to keep up your exercise routine and maintain a
healthy level of fitness.

Myth 5: If sport activities and regular work out keeps you
fit and slim, so you don't have to care about your choice
of food.
Wrong: The number of calories being burnt during workout is
mostly overestimated. To burn 300 calories one has to swim
for 40 minutes. Besides that, somebody wanting to loose
weight has to burn the daily calories of the food eaten and
additional calories from stored fat cells. That's a hell of
a task. One kilo of fat is equal to 7000 calories. To burn
such an amount one will have to work out on his home
trainer for 12 hours. This means, losing weight merely
through exercise is hardly achievable. But it is important
to maintain a regular exercise routine. It helps you to
build up muscle and increase metabolism, which in return
burns more calories. Besides this you will also feel a lot
better. But there is no way around limiting your calorie
intake. A combination of both will bring you a step closer
to your goal.

One last word: Most weight loss efforts collapse quite
quickly because people set unrealistic goals. Go for small
steps, easy to achieve and a glitch once in a while is
nothing bad. Just get back on track and never give up!

Rudy Tiefnig, is an expert in the area of fitness and diet,
creating nutrition and diet plans for fitness and weight
loss and guiding people to achieve a fit, slim and healthy
body. To read more, go to:

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Soak Up The Skinny In Your Fat Loss Diet

By Scott T Smith
Everyone knows, diet is crucial to losing weight. What everyone doesn't know is that diet includes what you drink. This, of course, can be taken to mean avoid sugary sodas, but there's something more, and most people miss it...

Just drink more water. Most people, period, don't drink nearly enough water. Drinking 8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day, or around two quarts, can be the missing key to success in your fat loss diet. Here's why:

1.) Water Quenches Appetite

Can't stay away from the fridge? Our runaway appetites are often the biggest obstacles to a sustained fat loss diet. After all, if we're going to cut the pounds, we've got to cut some calories. But did you know that when the brain tells us we're hungry, it may be instead signaling thirst? Physiologically, our brains do not truly differentiate between hunger and thirst. So if we find ourselves picking up a snack right after a meal, fill up a glass of water instead. Just wait a few minutes and see what it does to your appetite... More often than not, you'll walk away without eating a bite.

2.) Boil Away the Fat

Our kidneys are designed to process all the water we consume. However, if we don't drink enough, they can't handle the small amounts - there's a sort of minimum requirement. The job is then delegated to the liver that, while able to deal with small amounts of water, also hosts a number of other duties - like converting fat into energy. Yet, if it's too occupied with processing water, that fat doesn't turn into energy. It turns into body fat. The kidneys can take one for the liver here, and you can help by just drinking enough water. Try giving your fat loss diet another leg up.

3.) Evaporate the Water Pudge

You gain weight if you don't drink enough water. Sound contradictory? This is how it works. Our body adapts to our daily water intake, and in ideal circumstances, does not retain water. This happens only if we provide it with enough hydration. If we don't drink enough, water gets stored in something very much like fat.

This is a safety mechanism, guarding against the impending "drought". But if we're at home or at work, there's no reason to enter into survival mode. Once we begin hydrating our bodies again, this water fat disappears, as our bodies no longer deem it necessary to survive. Several pounds can be lost by this alone. Not bad.

There is a legitimate concern here - if I drink so much water, won't I constantly be in transit to and from the bathroom? Well, at first, there will be more trips to the bathroom, but only at first. When you reach ideal hydration levels, your body dumps all the water fat it has been retaining - and when you go the bathroom, you're effectually losing weight. But once the water fat is gone, the bathroom visits return to normal. With all the benefits to be had, it's worth a few days of getting up and down a little more.

Adding water to your weight loss diet can be key in dropping pounds. After all, if it's free, easy, and convenient, why not soak up the skinny?

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_T_Smith

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Good Food/Bad Food What's Left to Eat?

By Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP
We've entered the Twilight Zone when it comes to the multitude of diets being promoted today. Starting with the Atkins Diet, then the South Beach Diet, now the Hamptons Diet and more. All higher in protein, lower in carbs, but the distinction should be quality of carbs, not singling out one nutrient entirely. If you are on the Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet or any other variation of a high protein/low carb diet simply adjust from eating low quality carbs like refined flour and sugar products (think if it comes in a box, it's likely low quality) to eating more whole food products like fresh vegetables and fruits - yes fruits.

Apples vs. Apple Jacks - You be the Judge

I know the traditional Atkins Diet doesn't advocate much fruit (too high sugar) but think about that for one minute. My strong belief is that an apple is a good food, a bowl of Apple Jacks cereal may not be on an equal level. One is highly processed sweetened by added white sugar and corn syrup, and one is natural, plucked from a tree and sweetened by the sun. Which would you choose? Don't shun fresh fruit for the sake of following your low carb diet to the letter.

Eliminating healthy, wholesome foods is not the best way to learn to eat better, but severely cutting back on the frequency of eating highly processed foods is. I saw a site which called it GM or MM: God Made or Man Made. If you think of those terms when you go to choose your foods, it starts to make more sense. No one says you shouldn't eat chips, or whatever strikes your fancy, but make them a treat - and eat the GM foods more often.

Common Sense Diet

Common sense will answer the question about what to eat. If you are on Atkins, South Beach or any variation of low carb diet, avoid processed foods, not natural foods. Stop using "instant" breakfast, and cook whole rolled oats for instance. Sure you might have to get up 10 minutes earlier, oh well. You're worth it!

You can still stay on a higher protein food plan, but this one minor adjustment will allow you to continue with your eating plan for a lifetime, rather than a short-time. I'd go insane if I couldn't eat my daily apple, banana or other fruit. I love fruit. I think there's a very good reason humans desire sweet foods - Vitamin C, and other nutrients, including bio-flavnoids.

Can You Be Addicted to Fruit?

I heard someone complain they were "addicted to fruit" and I had to wonder, what do they eat? The person who refuses to eat fruit because they believe it is too high in sugar, probably does eat cookies, crackers and sugary cereals. They might even drink artificially flavored and sweetened drinks, but they refuse to eat a natural food, grown from our earth? That makes no sense, if you think about it. Did our planet develop and thrive based on processed foods? No, of course not. They are very recent in the evolution of our world. Very recent. In fact, we've had processed foods less than 200 years while our planet is millions of years old.

With the high incidence of obesity, and our high consumption of processed foods, it's hard not to draw the conclusion that one causes the other. You won't hear big industry stating that case because our economy depends on us buying the products being produced by the companies that employ us. You'll never see it reported that "scientists discovered refined flour kills," even if it were proven true because it doesn't support our way of life. We need industry.

Witnessing the epidemic of food illnesses such as Mad Cow, and now Bird Flu, I can envision a society without the mass produced meat industry. It will come to pass - nothing but your local farm will be allowed to sell meat because the big farm industry cannot guarantee safety of the food supply. Meat will become much more expensive because when they can no longer mass produce it, there is nowhere for prices to go but up. So do we whine and cry and moan about our misfortune or do we start to think of meat as something to savor and enjoy like the Sunday roasts we had years ago? We never ate meat every day then - and we weren't so fat either. We simply didn't eat as much processed foods. Most of us had moms at home cooking us dinner, making our lunches and even fixing our breakfasts.

Yes, progress marches on, but when it comes to your body, common sense rules the day. The Common Sense Diet! Try it on for size today.

Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com

Get the Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathryn_Martyn,_M.NLP

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Find Your BMI - Body Mass Index Calculation Made Simple

Here's how to find your BMI quickly and easily!

On the website of the National Institute of Health you'll find a handy free BMI Index calculator.

All you have to do is simply enter your current height and weight then click on Compute BMI. Your BMI will appear in the heart-shaped area of the pink figure.

There! That's all there is to it!

Once you find your BMI, you'll want to determine what the number means.

BMI, as you may or may not know, stands for Body Mass Index.

BMI is a pretty good indicator of a person's body fatness. It's generally used to screen for potential health problems based upon your weight category. However, while BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness, the correlation can vary by race, age and sex. That's why it's important to also check with your physician or health-care provider, for further assessments.

Okay, here are the BMI categories, as shown on the National Institute of Health website:

  • Underweight = <18.5>
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Let's say your BMI score was 27. Using the table shown on the NIH website, a score of 27 would put you in the Overweight category.

Now that you've calculated your BMI, and have your score, it's time to take action!

You need to determine if you are ready and motivated to lose weight. Do you have the necessary support from family and friends?

Do you have the time and effort it requires to dedicate yourself to improving your health and well-being?

And finally, do have a plan of action? Do you know what diet plan and exercise routine is best for you?

As you can see, finding your BMI is just the beginning of your journey to a healthier, happier, more energetic you!

Now that you've calculated your BMI, find the Best Diet Plan For YOU with my handy Free Diet and Exercise Plan chart at: http://dietplansthatwork.net/

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Burn Stomach Fat Naturally

To say that many people are obsessed with how their stomach looks is something of an understatement. Nothing defines health and fitness in this day and age quite like a firm toned stomach and because of that many people will try just about anything to burn away excess stomach fat.

What most people don't realize is that they can lose weight by simply increasing their metabolism without the need to buy the latest gut busting exercise machine or taking the latest fat burning diet pill.

There are two important parts to any program that burns stomach fat naturally:

1. A Healthy Diet – The nutritional value of the food we eat has a large bearing on how our metabolism works and how much fat we store away. Eating right is probably one of the more misunderstood parts of how our metabolism works.

When people go on a "Diet" they cut back on the amount of food they eat. This decreases caloric intake, which makes sense for those who are trying to lose weight. The problem is if too many calories are cut the body will actually slow its metabolism to safeguard its energy stores. This can have the opposite effect that is wanted.

The point is the body needs a certain amount of calories to fuel its daily processes. If it gets less then this it goes into starvation mode and hoards every bit of energy it can.

The type of calories can have more of an impact on fat levels and metabolism then how many are eaten. Eating healthy nutrient dense foods can cause an increase in metabolism simply for the fact that the body has to expend more energy digesting and metabolizing all the nutrients for use by its cells. These include foods that have high amounts of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins and minerals. In contrast processed foods with lots of refined sugars are easy to digest and are quickly and easily turned into fat storage.

2. Exercise – This can be divided into two part, cardiovascular exercise and resistance training. Cardio or aerobic training is a good way to burn excess calories just by doing simple physical activities. While this type of exercise is not stomach specific it is good for overall body fat reduction, which is the key to losing weight because you can't lose fat from specific areas.

Resistance or weight training is the perfect way to not only burn stomach fat but also firm up those all important abdominal muscles. By weight training your major muscle groups you bring your core muscles into play. These include the abs which helps stabilize the midsection while training. Another benefit that many people overlook is the large amount of calories it takes to maintain lean muscle mass. The more you have the more calories you will burn even while resting.

If you want to burn stomach fat naturally then the best way is to increase your metabolism with a combination of a healthy diet and an exercise program. By doing these two things you will soon have a trim and toned midsection that you can be proud of.

To learn more about the ways to burn stomach fat naturally visit Killer-Ab-Workout by clicking here and for more information about how your metabolism works please visit the website Metabolism by clicking here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Bicknell

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Finding The Right Weight Loss Diet

If your clothes are starting to feel tighter or you generally feel a bit flabby and unfit, then a weight loss diet combining healthy eating and exercise is the solution for you.

But how do you know which diet to follow? With so many different types of dieting and weight loss programmes out there, it can be confusing knowing which one will best fit in with your lifestyle and your budget. And, frankly speaking, there are a lot of diets out there that are just downright dangerous!

The best way to find a weight loss diet that will work for you is to do your homework before embarking on any kind of change in eating patterns. Don’t think that by starving yourself that you’ll lose weight quickly and easily. This is dangerous and can cause a lot of serious damage to your health.

And it’s not just a simple case of “cutting down”. You need to really understand the nutrients in the foods we eat in order to ensure that you get a balanced diet. That is why there are so many weight loss diets out there as we are all individuals and what diet plan works for one person may not work for another.

Some people prefer to go to weekly meetings where they feed off the motivation of their group leader and group members while other people prefer to go it alone. Some people like set menus that they can stick to in order to save worrying about the calories in each meal while other dieters like to create their own healthy, low calorie recipes.

Those who have cash to flash can afford to go the whole hog, having a personal trainer as well as a company who delivers calorie counted meals to you daily while others are on a tight budget.

So, how do you find that perfect weight loss diet, the one that you best fits in with your lifestyle?

Look at slimming and health-related magazines; visit local weight loss management groups; and use the internet. The web is a fantastic resource for finding out all sorts of diet related information and because the amount of information available is so vast, if you do your research thoroughly, you can often get a true picture of what a particular weight loss diet is really like.

Jason Hulott is Director at UK Diets Online, a service that provides information about all the major diet systems available. Visit now and take advantage of our special deals with Weightwatchers

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hulott

Weight Loss and Sweating it Off - How You Can Cheat Your Caloric Banker and Loss Weight the Easy Way

We have all heard that loosing weight in the long term requires hard work. It involves restrictive diets combined with military style exercise regiments. Well, that may be true but is it the only way?

Lets start with the basics and why traditional diet/workout methods can work and sometimes fail. The basics are like your bank account. If you put in more money than you take out, your bank account will grow. If you take out more than you put in it shrinks.

The currency of weight control is calories instead of money because they are stored as tissue, usually fat. The goal for the size of your account is usually different also. With our weight a balanced account is ideal. Unfortunately for many of us, until we get our caloric finances in order being in the red is a good thing.

So how do calories get into our account? Food is the obvious culprit. In general the more we eat the bigger the deposit. The type of food will also have a huge effect on the number of calories. We all know that Twinkies equal a much bigger deposit than an equally sized apple for instance. Much has been written about specific diets and I will leave that debate to others for now.

The withdrawals from your account are as important to the size of your account (or waistline) as the deposits are. So how do we withdraw funds? The short answer is when your body does work.

The bad news about sweating off pounds is that sweating itself has little effect on your long-term weight account. The actual weight from the sweat will quickly be replace as soon as you rehydrate, which for health reasons should be fairly soon. It is true that for short term results like a wrestler trying to make a weight restriction, excessive sweating can help reach a specific goal but there will be minimal long-term results.

The good news about sweating and weight loss is that sweating is usually a result of the body trying to rid itself of excessive heat produced by the cells doing work, and work burns calories. In other words it is the loss of calories from exercise that is the useful withdrawal from our calorie account that matters not the sweat itself.

So can we cheat and get the benefits of sweating without doing the work required to burn calories? The answer is yes and the solution is a sauna. Before you write this off as a classic myth let me explain.

Most people understand the concept described above about lost water weight being quickly replaced and doing no good in the long term. This is true but not the whole story. To quote a well known phrase "here is the rest of the story". The heat in a sauna triggers the sweating response, which requires activity on the part of the body. This equals increased metabolism and in the process burns more calories than normal.

Is this equal to doing hard labor? No, but studies show that it burns calories at about the same rate as a brisk walk. Not bad for what may be the most relaxing and enjoyable part of your day. I am not suggesting that you should skip the walking or other exercise but what if you continued to withdraw calories from your caloric account even while relaxing after your normal exercise routine? What a deal. This is a great way to accelerate your return to caloric balance.

The rest of the good news is that sweating in a sauna has huge additional health benefits. Not the least of these is the efficient detoxification of your body. There may be no better method of detoxification available. The link at the end of this article will lead to a much more detailed discussion of the process.

The ideal situation is to conveniently have a sauna at your disposal. This was a rare situation in the past but times have change and it is now possible to get a sauna in your own home very easily and inexpensively. The link below will show you how easily you can take advantage of the benefits of a home sauna.

The reality is that your weight and your bank account work on the same principles. It all comes down to the mathematics of deposits and withdraws. Do yourself a favor and look into how a home sauna can change your health and help you get your caloric bank account back in order.

Did you know there are at least 4 ways that using a sauna will improve your health. Find out the best ways to use and get a home sauna at http://www.the-home-sauna-center.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Hirn