R.D.K holdings S.A

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Online Aerobics, Burning Fat Conveniently

Aerobics online is fast becoming a very popular tool for
exercising and getting in shape.  It offers the opportunity
to have professional guidance and programming combined with
the convenience of working out on your time, and in your
own home.  Technology now allows for trainers and members
to communicate to ensure the online aerobic fitness
programs are executed correctly, consistently, and members
can be held accountable for what they have done.  Online
Aerobic fitness can be accurately measured and monitored
with a heart rate monitor.  This tool provides specific
feedback and allows you to communicate with your trainer
about the program so you can reach your fitness goals.

In the past and still commonly done today, cardiovascular
training is assessed by guessing intensity based on how you
felt during a workout, and duration measured by time.  This
form of exercise while effective, still never truly allowed
us to see the results of our efforts.  Heart rate training,
as a part of online aerobic fitness involves using a heart
rate monitor to measure cardiac output, and the intensity
and duration of your workout with specific data reports
that can be charted to ensure progress.

Your heart rate is the measuring tool for cardiovascular
training, and a heart rate monitor accurately records this
data for every workout.  Now imagine that you can transfer
this data into a PC and email your results to a trainer.
Now, no matter where you are, you and your trainer can
communicate regarding your workouts, taking out all of the
guess work.  The result is measuring this specific data is
improved cardiovascular fitness, endurance, stamina, rate
of recovery and fat burning!

Online aerobic training plans can be specifically designed
for individual needs.  Those who want to lose weight can
accurately measure their fat burning capability and
optimize their results.  Endurance athletes training for
marathons and triathlons can improve race times and
recovery.  Athletes such as football players, soccer
players and basketball players can maximize their VO2
capabilities and recovery so they will be the most well
conditioned athletes on the field.

These online programs are designed by personal trainers and
can be accessed through your own online account.  Once your
level of fitness is revealed and goals are established,
online personal trainers can create cardiovascular
conditioning programs for you to print or download into an
IPOD.  All you need to do then is execute!

Take the guesswork out of aerobic conditioning!  Stop
measuring your workouts by time and distance exclusively
and start getting the results you want.  Whether you are a
sedentary beginner fitness enthusiast looking to lose
weight, or an athlete wanting to get an extra inning out of
your arm, you can find the right online program for you and
optimize your results!  Liveleantoday.com is the home for
online aerobic and cardiovascular conditioning programs.
There you can find an extensive array of online fitness
plans that will help you optimize your results with an
efficient and effective program.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of
http://shop.liveleantoday.com/ -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services.  For more information on
products go to
utrition-cutting-weight-42-paks-2630.cfm .

Beat Fat with Breakfast

Breakfast is easily the most overlooked solution when it
comes to effective fat burning tips. Studies consistently
show that people, who regularly eat breakfast, eat fewer
calories throughout the day, have better nutritional
habits, and weigh less than those who choose to skip

When it comes to your fat loss, your goal is to make your
body burn more calories. Your metabolism is like a burning
fire, how can you make the fire burn stronger without
putting something on it to burn? Our bodies are burning fat
and calories 24 hours a day, however, calories are burned
at the slowest rate while we are sleeping. Without
something to jump-start it in the morning, your metabolism
may remain in slow motion throughout the day and any extra
calories - no matter how healthy - will be stored as fat.

The act of eating and digesting supportive foods
frequently, increases your metabolism so you can burn more
fat and calories all day long.

How to do it: Eat a supportive meal within an hour of
waking. Feel like your always running late? No time to eat?
The secret - get up 10-20 minutes earlier and keep it
simple. Not only can you increase time spent with your
family at the kitchen table, but making time to start your
day off with a high protein, high fiber breakfast will
boost your metabolism, your energy and your mood. Because
breakfast provides you with the energy you need to get
through your day, the more energy you have, the more active
you'll be and the more active you are, the more calories
you burn.

If you are not hungry first thing in the morning, try
starting your day with a big glass of water or freshly
brewed green tea. Proceed with your morning routine and
plan to allow yourself about 10-15 minutes before you walk
out the door to eat your breakfast.

If you like to exercise first thing in the morning, eat 30
to 45 minutes before your workout.

Try one of the following options:

1. Eat a light snack - yogurt or a piece of fruit. Eat your
regular breakfast 30-45 minutes after your workout.

2. Eat half of your regular breakfast before the workout
and the other half about 30-45 minutes after your workout.

3. Drink a meal replacement shake - quick and easy to make
and for your body too digest.

Watch out for "Protein/Breakfast Bars". Many of these items
seem appealing for they are quick and easy; however the
majority of these bars are loaded with sugar and fat. Check
the nutrition facts.

Here are some breakfast fat loss favorites: Cereal is a
MUST. It's convenient, easy to prepare, easy to eat and
full of nutrients - No."Whole Grain Lucky Charm" does not
fall into this category. Be sure to choose your cereals
based on the information on the food label.

The top choices should have:

. 5 grams of Fiber or more
. 8 grams of Sugar or LESS
. Sugar not listed among the first 3 ingredients.

For all other breakfast options, be sure to include a
protein, complex carbohydrate, and fresh or frozen fruit.
These are some of my favorites:

. Oatmeal with natural peanut butter, cinnamon and a side
of fresh berries.
. Kashi Go Lean Crunch with skim milk and a banana.
. Scrambled egg whites topped with salsa and shredded
cheese wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla.
. Meal Replacement Shake with a piece of fruit.

So if you're interested in fat loss, make sure you don't
forget - breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness
coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of
the internationally popular e-book - The Busy Mom's Fat
Loss Bible. Go to
http://www.busymomsfatloss.com to get
your FREE copy and discover everything you need to know to
losing unwanted fat and how to keep it off for good.